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Customer Testimonials

With the warm invitation from Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Hakim Abdul Hannan, we visited Hamdard University with our Partner Mr. Zahid & Mr. Masood, we have a keen discussion on the laboratory contruction for university and the material choose for table

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Visited Hamdard University

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With the warm invitation from Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Hakim Abdul Hannan, we visited Hamdard University with our Partner Mr. Zahid & Mr. Masood, we have a keen discussion on the laboratory contruction for university and the material choose for table top, furniture structure and modern laboratory designing, planning and air exhaustion system, Registrar Mr. Syed Nasir Ali Mirza , Directory of Faculty of Pharmacy Prof. Dr. Ghazala H. Rizwani ( Meritorious), Dean Fest/ Facaulty of Engineering, Sciences & Technology Prof. Dr. Vali Uddin and other related Professors attend the meetings.



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